
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day Five

Peanuts, originally uploaded by mari_ickes.

When my parents were visiting, they brought a tin of peanuts. After they left, they left the peanuts. Surprisingly, it took until Sunday for the peanuts to be eaten.
Night was upset because we were out of peanuts, so I picked up some peanuts when I went to Walgreens Sunday night. I got two kinds-regular party nuts for Night and chipotle flavored for Josh. It turns out that Night loved the chipotle peanuts too. Josh had to keep telling him to stop eating them.
Last night, Josh was at school, Keira was in bed, and Night was eating peanuts on the couch. He had finished his own earlier in the day, so now he was working on his dad's.
He then calmly told me that he was going to put the peanuts in the refrigerator to keep them safe. I asked him why. He told me that he needed to save some for Josh.

Josh came home from school to find his peanuts in the fridge. He asked why. I told him what Night said. He then opened the package.
Uh oh!
I hear Josh telling Night that he was supposed to save some for him. Night did save some. Upon closer inspection, Josh discovered that the chipotle seasoning had been licked off!

At least he saved some though, right?

1 comment:

Anna said...

Night is hilarious!